Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Platforma Video IFF Call for shorts

This came through to the main account if any one is interested in sumbitting something... should work on the resource page this doesnt really go in discussion....


Dear SELF Collective,

My name is Anna Tzini and I am Programme coordinator of PLATFORMA Video Festival (www.platformavideo.eu).

Let me tell you a few things about PLATFORMA first. It is an annual video festival located in Athens, Greece. It hosts more than 150 films from independent film makers (mainly using video and new media as their means of expression), and several tributes to foreign film festivals and creators. There are also a number of parallel events such as seminars, workshops, lectures and of course parties.

This year we thought we'd host a section dedicated to young artists who collaborate in order to get their work out there.

Directors, writers, actors who help each other out (one directs, the other shoots, a third one edits etc) in each ones films.

We want to show how important it is for young creators to stand by each other, and how that can benefit their work in terms of quality, ideas, and publicity.

We would like to see some of your video/film work in order to include it to our programme. We would love it if you could attend our festival and we will try to help with your travel and accommodation expenses as much as we can, depending on our funding which is still pending. You will of course be given free accreditation to all the festivals events and venues for all the days of the festival.

We would be very happy if you were interested in our proposal of cooperation for our next festival edition (Platforma Video 8, 7-10/11/2008).

Let me know so we can proceed with the arrangements.

Best regards,

Anna Tzini

Programme Coordinator

Platforma Video IFF


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